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Daughter of the mediterranean, is a women-led social enterprise dedicated to empowering young women across the Euro-Mediterranean region, that emerge from “YERAME”, EU funded project aims to:

tackle depopulation in the Euro Mediterranean rural areas, which have become increasingly emptied of the necessary youth to foster economic development, access to services, and connectivity. The ageing and decline of the population are one of the greatest future challenges facing the European Union, and since rural areas represent the vast majority of the territory involved, YERAME has been crafted with the scope to increase the capacity to provide learning opportunities for entrepreneurial skills of organizations working with young people in rural areas.
The project is expected to improve the entrepreneurial skills of the rural youth of the Mediterranean region, to promote the creation of sustainable businesses that can therefore tackle the depopulation in those areas that are suffering.

The Daughter of the Mediterranean begins its activity in 2023 as a women-led social enterprise focusing on the empowerment of women, aged between 16 to 35, from southern Mediterranean countries. Its work dignifies culture, non formal education, and social change while addressing the specific challenges that women strive to overcome. It operates with a small team consisting of 5 members, and collaborating with regional partners and organizations that support youth empowerment and gender equality. Our annual budget is supported by grants and partnerships.

Our Main Activities:

1- Leadership Program:

this program mentors young women and youth who aspire to grow in their careers, leadership, and outlook by matching them with successful women from different professions who are willing to assist them.

2- AI for Women:

using AL as a tool to provide mental health support, stress management techniques, and consulting services to help the young women and youth build confidence in their personal and professional lives.

3- Skill-Building Seminars:

providing sessions and workshops focused on practical skills such as digital literacy, entrepreneurship and public speaking to enhance the young women with tools they need for careers.

4- Cultural Exchange Programs:

facilitating mobility programs with other Mediterranean countries to promote intercultural understanding, exchange and share their experiences. and build solidarity among the young women in the region.

5- Gender equality advocacy

campaigns through social media campaigns and any community-based activities undertaken to sensitize society against gender issues and stereotypes.

6- Empowerment Circles:

Monthly discussion groups where the young women gather to share their experiences, providing support for the other women and discussion topics including but not limited self-empowerment and cultural identity.